Sunday, 6 May 2012

Exp2 Final Design using Crisis Sandbox Editor.

This image demonstrates the monument structure for "Towering" by the Architect Antonio Gaudi. This was the monument I mentioned earlier incorporating the central core however the texture was applied to this area to enhance the concept.

This image is a close up view of one of the chosen 36 textures along with the structure forming the light transfering through the monument.

This image is an outside view which portrays the landscaping shadows formed on the monument walls and floor.

This image a view from the distance showing the difussed lighting enhancing the enviromental connection with the structure and the area.

The image above is the second monument demonstrating the space between the monuments on the landform. This is a place for students to meet and exchange ideas. The landform demonstrates a significant meeting place. In this image, I have tried to capture the extruded shapes I implemented throughout the monument, that allows light to pass through.

This is a exterior view of the meeting monument for the students. It is evident that the light passes through the exstruded areas which creates the siginificant shadowing on the landscape.

This image demonstrates the exstruded elements in further detail that is throughout the monument.

The interior image above shows further detail of the shadowing created by the exstruded elements. Also, the second chosen texture that I have applied is evident.

This image demonstrates the combination between the ambient lighting passing through the exstruded areas along with the chosen texture.

The above image is an exterior of my third monument. This monument demonstrates the concept of floating by the Architect Richard Rogers.

The above detailed image consists of the third chosen texture applied to the floating platforms.

The above demonstrates the concept of floating with the varied platforms forming the overall monument structure.

This final view is a close up of the floating planes combined with the notion of light and dark by the applied third texture.

 Below is a link to my three monuments created in Google SketchUp

Below is a link to my CryEngine 3 Environment.

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