Wednesday 20 June 2012

EXP 3 Elevator and Meeting Space

View of the elevator

View of the table and landscape of the meeting place
View of the table and landscape of the meeting place
View of the table and landscape of the meeting place with Elevator shaft in the background

EXP 3 Images from Google Sketchup

The Elevator

The Headqaurters for Facebook

The Bridge Supports

The Headqaurters for Coca Cola.

EXP3 36 Custom Textures

EXP 3 : Google Sketchup & Crysis Model Links and videos

Link to Google Warehouse :

Link to Cryengine Environment :

Video 1 Transportation

Video 2 Facebook Headquarters

Video 3 Coca Cola Headquarters

EXP3 Image Captions and Architecture

Overview of both the Coca Cola Headqaurters and the Facebook Headqaurters

View of Elevator shaft leading towards Facebook Headquarters

Overview of site and structures
Internal View looking out towards the landscape from the Coca Cola Headqaurters

View of the Facebook Headqaurters

View of the Coca Cola Headqaurters and landscape.

View of the Coca Cola Headqaurters the colours are significate with the Coca Cola brand.

Image captions of the elevator shaft.

Aerial view of the landscaping and structures.
The concepts behind my to Headqaurters was design a structure for the specific companys (Facebook and Coca cola) that would emulate power.

I have chosen a landscape that i believe is unique but also relates to my concept of power i believe the Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains symbolises in a way the qualities of power and dominance. The colours i used for each of the headquarters relates to each companies logos and brands and where they have been positioned demonstrate those qualities of power again.

I chose to incorperate a bridge that acted as a shaft for the passage way to each headquarter as i wanted to do something unique because the company's chosen are world renown company's that think outside the sqaure.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Above are feedback sheets and marking schedule from 2 students that reviewed  my work. I will consider their comments and advice as i proceed through this assesment.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

EXP3 : Elevator

Above are image captures of perspectives of the first person view as you ride the elevator.