Monday, 27 February 2012

Stelarc - Stretched Skin

Noun – Man
Verb – Moving
Adjective - Slow

Ai Weiwei - Forever Bicycles

Verb – cycling
Adjective – tangled

Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010 - Cell (eyes & mirrors)

 Noun – Cage
Verb – still
Adjective – square


The image above is a photo taken of my friends and I playing a game at our hotel while overseas in the greek island of Ios.

The Victorian Terrace

The image above demonstrates a living room of what was once a traditional Victorian terrace house. The house is located in sydney and has been restored with innovative architectural structures within the roof while maintaining the original front facade.

Design Centre

The picture above is a rendered image I have completed using Autodesk Revit Architecture. The brief was to design a design centre for the students of the future.